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Hormonal imbalances


Hormonal deficiencies can be detected through a combination of a blood, urine and saliva test. In most people with symptoms of chronic fatigue, the production of various hormones - important for the energy level - is too low: thyroid hormone (thyroxine), DHEA, cortisol, aldosterone, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and growth hormone. When deficiencies occur, I [...]

Hormonal imbalances2023-04-09T17:40:35+00:00



Exercise is a prerequisite for ‘prolonging life’. People who exercise regularly, are seven times less likely to get cancer. People who exercise intensively rarely get a heart disease. Intensive exercise (at least three time a week for half an hour, meaning that the heart rate should increase considerably, and you should sweat!) ensures the [...]


A healthy mind


A healthy mind in a healthy body is still fundamentally important as a preventative anti-aging measure. Psychological stress is especially harmful for the body and undermines the immune system. Stress opens the way for many chronic diseases such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome etc. Yoga, meditation, relaxation and breathing exercises are important techniques [...]

A healthy mind2023-04-09T17:40:50+00:00

Hormonal substitution


Depending on the blood results and the personal needs, certain hormones – such as thyroid hormone, DHEA, testosterone, growth hormone, progesterone, estrogen etc. - might be prescribed.

Hormonal substitution2023-04-09T17:40:57+00:00



Nutritional supplements are essential for a proper anti-aging programme. Few people have an optimum diet and our nutrition contains way less vitamins and minerals than a few decades ago, due to the intensive agricultural methods. This causes a widespread shortage of magnesium and selenium. On top of this, we consume much more vitamins and minerals [...]


Healthy food


Use the Mediterranean diet as a basis: 3 pieces of fruit and 2 portions of vegetables (raw and cooked) daily Avoid all refined carbohydrates (white sugar, white flour) and replace them with whole grains (wholemeal bread, wholegrain pasta, brown rice). Avoid red meat. Replace this with chicken or turkey or soy-based products (soy burgers, [...]

Healthy food2023-04-09T17:41:10+00:00



Even in the short term, you can bring about real spectacular changes to your cholesterol and tackle remaining risk factors of arteriosclerosis by changing your diet. The Paleolithic diet, followed for ten days, results in a serious drop in blood pressure, blood sugar level, production of insulin, cholesterol and triglycerides. Follow the Paleolithic [...]




The following supplements can not only prevent arteriosclerosis, they will also ensure that the arteriosclerosis, once it has commenced, will diminish (doses are day doses): Vitamin K 2: 0.18 mg to 0.25 mg Vitamin B complex: minimal 50 mg Magnesium: 300-500 mg elemental magnesium (in the form of glycinate, citrate or taurate, no magnesium [...]




A combination of cardio training (stamina) and power training is ideal. When doing physical exercise, your heart rate should increase considerably during the first 30 minutes. The general rule is that you should aim for a heartbeat which is 70 percent higher than your regular heartrate. The maximum heart rate is 220 minus your [...]


Poisoning by heavy metals


The body of most patients who suffer from fatigue is strained by heavy metals. Due to the industrial pollution of the environment, chemicals and heavy metals enter our body through the air we breathe and the food we eat. Dyes, woodworking products, insecticides, pesticides, oil combustion, vaccinations, marine pollution (heavy metals and PCBs in [...]

Poisoning by heavy metals2023-04-09T17:41:38+00:00
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