Vitaminen, mineralen, phytonutriënten, thymustherapie, melatonine stimuleren de immuniteit in de eliminatie van kankercellen, verminderen de toxische nevenwerking van chemotherapie en hebben op zich een kankerremmend effect.

Intraveneus vit C is al geruime tijd een erg belangrijke ondersteuning in de behandeling van kanker . Het verhoogt de waterstofperoxide in de kankercel die hierdoor sneller zal afsterven (verhoogde apoptosis).

Er zijn de laatste jaren zeer veel onderzoeken gebeurd over de toepassing van intraveneuze vit C (vit C IV) bij patiënten die ook chemo en radiotherapie kregen met een positief resultaat.

Vit C IV werkt complementair aan de klassieke behandeling. Het vermindert de nevenwerkingen en verbetert kwaliteit van leven. Het vermindert de kans op recidief.

Ook maretak injecties zijn erg waardedevol in de complementaire kankertherapie (Viscum album).
Vooral in Duitsland wordt deze therapie veel toegepast om het immuunsysteem te versterken en ondersteunend te werken aan de klassieke kankertherapie. Op die manier zal het lichaam zelf beter kunnen vechten tegen de kankercellen. De injecties worden driemaal per week gegeven, in cycli met pauzes, en dit gedurende 1 tot 5 jaar. Meer info:

Meer lezen:

(High Dose Vitamin C for Cancer, The Struggle with “Non-Evidence-Based” Medical Practice, by Dr. Raymond CF Yuen)

J Exp Clin Cancer Res (2021)
High-dose intravenous vitamin C, a promising multi-targeting agent in the treatment of cancer . Franziska Böttger† , Andrea Vallés-Martí† , Loraine Cahn and Connie R. Jimenez*

Mounting evidence indicates that vitamin C has the potential to be a potent anti-cancer agent when administered intravenously and in high doses (high-dose IVC). Early phase clinical trials have confirmed safety and indicated ef- cacy of IVC in eradicating tumour cells of various cancer types. In recent years, the multi-targeting efects of vitamin C were unravelled, demonstrating a role as cancer-specifc, pro-oxidative cytotoxic agent, anti-cancer epigenetic regulator and immune modulator, reversing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, inhibiting hypoxia and oncogenic kinase signalling and boosting immune response. Moreover, high-dose IVC is powerful as an adjuvant treatment for cancer, acting synergistically with many standard (chemo-) therapies, as well as a method for mitigating the toxic side-efects of chemotherapy. Despite the rationale and ample evidence, strong clinical data and phase III studies are lacking. Therefore, there is a need for more extensive awareness of the use of this highly promising, non-toxic cancer treatment in the clinical setting. In this review, we provide an elaborate overview of pre-clinical and clinical studies using high-dose IVC as anti-cancer agent, as well as a detailed evaluation of the main known molecular mechanisms involved. A special focus is put on global molecular profling studies in this respect. In addition, an outlook on future implications of high-dose vitamin C in cancer treatment is presented and recommendations for further research are discussed. Keywords: Ascorbic acid, Vitamin C, IVC, Cancer, Clinical trials, Proteomics, Transcriptomics, Metabolomics © The Author(s) 2021.

Giansanti M, Karimi T, Faraoni I, Graziani G. High-Dose Vitamin C: Preclinical Evidence for Tailoring Treatment in Cancer Patients. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Mar 20;13(6):1428. doi: 10.3390/cancers13061428. PMID: 33804775; PMCID: PMC8003833.

Hunyady J. The Result of Vitamin C Treatment of Patients with Cancer: Conditions Influencing the Effectiveness. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Apr 15;23(8):4380. doi: 10.3390/ijms23084380. PMID: 35457200; PMCID: PMC9030840.

Markowska A, Antoszczak M, Markowska J, Huczyński A. Role of Vitamin C in Selected Malignant Neoplasms in Women. Nutrients. 2022 Feb 19;14(4):882. doi: 10.3390/nu14040882. PMID: 35215535; PMCID: PMC8876016.

Codini M. Why Vitamin C Could Be an Excellent Complementary Remedy to Conventional Therapies for Breast Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Nov 9;21(21):8397. doi: 10.3390/ijms21218397. PMID: 33182353; PMCID: PMC7664876.