Complementary Nutritional Cancer Therapy



It has been adequately proven that physical activity offers protection against cancer and that it reduces the risk of recurrence for cancer patients. I recommend doing physical activity three to four times a week for at least half an hour. Walking at a pace of 5 kilometers per hour can already make a big [...]


Nutrient infusions and injections


Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, thymus therapy and melatonin stimulate the immunity during the elimination of cancer cells, diminish toxic side effects of chemotherapy and have an anti-cancer effect. For example, vitamin C administered intravenously will increase the hydrogen peroxide in the cancer cell leading to cell death (increased apoptosis). Injections with mistletoe (Viscum album) also [...]

Nutrient infusions and injections2023-04-09T18:05:41+00:00

Supplements with a protective effect


My main advice remains that you should primarily try to retrieve as many nutrients as possible from your daily food. In addition, you can take supplements. After all, it is impossible for supplements to contain all essential nutrients. The nutrients that you derive from your daily diet will not suffice to fully act as [...]

Supplements with a protective effect2023-04-09T17:54:19+00:00

The Proesmans anti-cancer diet


The basic guidelines: no meat, no dairy Soy as a meat substitute. Eat fish once a week (mackerel, organic salmon, cod, herring, sea bass). Eat, soy yoghurt, goat cheese and sheep cheese. Eat legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soy) as much as you wish. Eat at least 400 gr vegetables (raw, steamed) (all varieties of [...]

The Proesmans anti-cancer diet2023-04-09T17:39:27+00:00

The top 12 of anti-cancer foods


Soy Green tea (catechin EGCG) Onions and garlic (allium) Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, white cabbage, red cabbage, pak choi, Chinese cabbage) Turmeric Fruits (berries, apples, citrus fruits, grapes) Omega-3 fatty acids (sardines, mackerel, salmon, trout, herring, fresh walnuts and walnut oil, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil) Tomatoes Green leafy vegetables Mushrooms Provencal [...]

The top 12 of anti-cancer foods2023-04-09T17:42:42+00:00
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